At Renault, we are interested in how individuals use their cars, the aim being to develop the best-adapted cars to their motoring practices and their environment. In the last few years, the world population has changed significantly, becoming primarily urban, and the urbanization rate continues to accelerate. For these urban customers, studies show that the automobile is only one of several means for getting from A to B and that accessing car ownership is no longer a priority. This obviously has ramifications for the future of our sector.
Automobility is shifting the paradigm. New products and services are emerging in correspondence with new uses.
The changing needs of users have led to the emergence of new products such as Twizy, which has little to do with conventional automotive cues but corresponds to a desire for more individual, local and flexible mobility.
To provide the best support to our customers in their automobility, we have also created new services. We propose vehicles predisposed to carsharing that allow operators to easily add a smart control unit. For example, this can make it possible to remotely open and start vehicles equipped with a smart control unit to facilitate initial carsharing use. We have taken things even further by working on natively communicating cars to which carsharing operators can directly connect their own IT systems thanks to R.Access technology. By doing so, we have opened ourselves up to new contacts and new markets.