Chatbots to assist customers and vendors in dealerships

Four virtual assistants using artificial intelligence were launched online between May and July 2019 in the customer areas dedicated to the financing and insurance offers of Renault and Nissan in Argentina: Renault Proteccion, Tu Nissan ProtegidoRenault Crédit and Credi Nissan. This function is also available on the sales support tool aimed at the distribution network.

Available on all devices - computer, mobile and tablet - these chatbots respond to users’ questions and requests in real time. Drawing from a local database of questions and answers and several other databases, the chatbots can quickly provide customers with information on their financing or insurance contract (amount of monthly payments, for example). Thanks to the daily feedbacks through these chatbots, our Argentine subsidiary can continually improve the quality of the customer experience.

Nissan Protegido

Digital innovation to improve customer experience

These chatbots are a key addition to the digital innovations that have already been implemented to improve customer service, such as the Dealers App. This mobile app, launched in March 2019, allows vendors at dealerships to: simulate financing and insurance offers, scan documents, download paperwork and send notifications of loan approvals throughout the process.

With this new functionality, RCI Banque Argentina is contributing to RCI Bank and Services’ digital transformation process, with the goal of continually meeting the needs and expectations of its customers.